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Privacy Policy – Icon Plumbing and Heating


1. Icon Plumbing & Heating and Your Personal Data

The data controller is Icon Plumbing & Heating and the Data Protection Officer is Connor Edwards, owner of the company, who can be contacted by e-mail at

This is our privacy policy for the services we provide and explains how and why we collect your personal data, the types of personal data we collect and what it is used for. It also explains the processing activities that are carried out by Icon Plumbing & Heating, the purposes for which these activities are performed and the legal bases that we rely upon for these processing activities.

This privacy policy may be updated from time to time to ensure it is always up to date and accurate. Any changes made to the privacy policy will be uploaded to our website


2. How Personal Data is Collected

We collect personal data by any means you provide it to us including online, face to face, over the phone and in writing. On occasion an individual’s personal data is given to us by a family or friend as the individual has expressed an interest in receiving a quote for works/works being carried out for them. In these instances, we will assume that consent has been given by the individual for us to contact them. Upon first contact, if the individual has changed their mind, they are able to ask for their data to be deleted.

We do not source any personal data from publicly available sources or from third party data vendors.


3. What Personal Data is Collected

In order to provide a quote or works the following personal data may be collected:

Full Name
Postal Address
Telephone Number
E-mail Address

With regards to the use of our website the IP address of your device (smartphone, computer, tablet etc.) may tell us an approximate location when you connect to our website.


4. How This Personal Data is Used

Where we process personal data under the lawful basis of contract

We process these items of your personal data to enter or fulfil the contract between us including:-


Personal Data Used: Full Name, Postal Address, Telephone Number, E-mail Address

Reason or Purpose:

- To provide our services to you (including creating a quote) and maintain your account (including any questions which may arise after works have been completed)
- For administrative purposes including, but not exclusive to, a payment request for works carried out (invoice)

- To deliver products to you (e.g. a boiler or parts required to carry out the requested works)


When a quote has been accepted by you the customer we will then enter into a contract not only for works to be carried out in your property but to also use and store your personal data for invoicing, servicing, maintenance and tax relevant data and documents.


Where we process personal data because you have allowed us to (consent)

We process these items of your personal data when you have provided consent to the processing (you may revoke your consent at any time):-

Personal Data Used: Full Name, Postal Address, Telephone Number, and/or E-mail Address
Reason or Purpose:
Direct marketing

Personal Data Used: Any Data Provided by You (e.g. Full Name, Postal Address, Telephone Number and/or E-mail Address

Reason or Purpose: To provide a quote. When first contact is made by you the customer we will be taking your contact as consent to using and storing your personal data i.e. if you contact us via e-mail we will assume your consent to use your e-mail address and any other personal information you have included within the e-mail to contact with you.

After a quote has been provided, if the individual decides not to proceed with the works, please contact us by e-mail at if you wish for us to delete your data. If we have not received any communication from you after a quote has been provided any personal data will be deleted between 3-6 months after the quote was provided.


5. If You Fail to Provide Personal Data

Where we need to collect personal data under the terms of a contract we have with you and you fail to provide that data when requested, we may not be able to perform the contract we have or are trying to enter into with you (for example, where you do not provide a complete postal address we may not be able to travel to your property to provide a quote). In this case, we may have to cancel a service you have requested of us but we will notify you if this is the case at the time.


6. Who We Share Your Personal Data With

Delivery Companies
To deliver products to you in order for works to be carried out e.g. boiler, parts for servicing, bathroom furniture and materials


Examples (but not exclusive to):

Royal Mail, Parcel Force, DHL, FedEx, Yodel


Industry Partners
For warranty and servicing of boilers


Examples (but not exclusive to):
Worcester, Vaillant, Ideal, Baxi, Glowworm



Companies that help us run our business, support out IT infrastructure and to further understand our customers

Examples (but not exclusive to):
Wave Accounting, Wix (website builder), Gmail, Outlook



7. Transfer of Ownership or Cease in Trading

Should the company be sold, all personal data will be passed on to the new business owner. You will be informed of this before any of the information is passed on and will have the option to have your information deleted prior to the transfer of ownership.

Should the business cease trading then all personal data will be deleted apart from where it is required for tax documentation purposes; we keep invoices for 6 years after the end of the business year in which the work was carried out.

8. Your Rights

Under certain circumstances, you have rights under UK data protection laws to access and understand personal data held by us about you by submitting a Subject Access Request, and in some cases ask for it to be deleted or removed (if there is no good reason for us to continuing processing it), or amended (though we may need to verify the accuracy of the new data you provide to us or maintain existing data for tax relevant data and documents), or have it transferred to others, or to ask for us to stop processing it altogether – but this is subject to certain exemptions and limitations. 

You will not have to pay a fee to access your personal data (or to exercise any of the other rights). However, we may charge a reasonable fee if your request is clearly unfounded, repetitive or excessive. Alternatively, we may refuse to comply with your request in these circumstances.

You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. In the UK this is the ICO

9. Security of Personal Data

When it comes to storing your personal data, we have implemented appropriate safeguards to ensure your personal data is kept safe and secure. These safeguards include passwords/passcodes on devices and software, and internet security software.


10. Personal Data Outside of the EEA

We use several different organisations and third parties to help our business function, as a result, personal information may be transferred outside the countries where we and our customers are located. This includes countries outside of the European Economic Area (“EEA”). We have taken steps to ensure all personal data is provided with adequate protection and that all transfers of personal data outside of the EEA are done lawfully.

There are appropriate contracts in place which allow us to see and retrieve any information stored. Should you request to have your personal information deleted then there are appropriate measures in place for us to be able to delete all personal information from our own database and that of the organisation’s and third parties we use.


11. Data Retention

We will keep your data for as long as necessary in order to achieve the processing purposes. Should you request that we delete your data we will be obliged to delete it from our devices, however your personal data will be kept under the lawful basis of ‘contract’ for as long as required for tax relevant data and documents, this means that any data we have will be deleted but we will keep relevant data i.e. name, address, phone number and email address for purposes of invoicing until it is no longer necessary to keep it for tax relevant data and documents. Where your personal data is no longer required, we will securely delete it.


12. External Links on our Website

Note that while our website ( may contain links to other websites or services, we are not responsible for such websites’ or services’ privacy practices. We would advise that when you leave our website you read the privacy statements of each and every website and service you visit before providing your personal data. This Privacy Policy does not apply to such linked third-party websites and services.


13. Reviewing and Updating the Policy

This privacy policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure it is up to date.

14. Contact Details


Tel: 07715 414 535

Reviewed and Updated: 24/05/2018

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